Friday, November 8, 2013

This book is a work of fiction. It’s a story about a man named Jack Valentine, whose  path in life was in many ways similar to my own. Feeling very incomplete as a human  being, he set out on a search for wisdom to live a happier, healthier, and more beautiful  life. Through a series of meetings with three remarkable teachers, Jack discovered a  powerful philosophy to reshape his reality and access his destiny. The lessons Jack  learned through his extraordinary adventure will cause you to create wonderful changes  in your life as well. How do I know this? Because they’re the lessons that have  transformed mine.

I’ve experienced many setbacks along this journey through my days. And yet, each  stumbling block has eventually presented a stepping-stone that has brought me closer to my heart’s truth and my best life.

A number of years ago, I was a lawyer, chasing success and all the material trappings  that went along with it, thinking that this was the way to lasting fulfillment. But as I  worked harder and achieved more, I realized that nothing ever really changed. No  matter how many material possessions I gathered, the man I saw in the bathroom mirror  every morning was the same—I wasn’t any happier and didn’t feel any better. The more  I reflected on the state of my life, I began to become aware of an emptiness within my  heart. I started paying attention to its silent whispers, which instructed me to leave my  chosen profession and begin some serious soul-searching. I started to think about why I  was here on the planet and what my special mission was. I wondered why my life wasn’t  working and what deep changes needed to be made to get me on track. I looked at the  core beliefs, assumptions, and filters through which I saw the world, and I committed  myself to cleaning up the less-than-healthy ones. 

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1 comment:

  1. As movies go.... this is a great movie.. Now if your a hard nosed TV series viewer and expect the same thing you may be disappointed..I never saw any Tv series.. but this movie has so many cool elements that it makes it down right entertaining.. Val Kilmer at his best.. He can pull off so many looks it was impressive to watch. Plus Elisabeth Shue.. how can you go wrong? See it!
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